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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 94.05
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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 94.05
7 Year Polymeric

7 year Polymeric "Industrial Gloss"


If you are after a long lasting vinyl, our White satin Hi Tac Industrial Grade Vinyl is the answer! With a 7 year life span and a low shrink adhesive, this vinyl is perfect for Wheelie bins and even suited to adhere to slightly textured substrates, such as tile, brick & and concrete. This vinyl is fire certified under ASTM E-84.

We've introduced Square Metre Pricing so we can now offer lowest prices excluding freight!


Please Note: The maximum width size of the media is 1330mm, anything larger than this will be split up through panelling.

600x450mm1$ 94.05
5$ 126.97
10$ 248.29
25$ 534.60
50$ 935.55
100$ 1,666.17
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A3: 420x297mm
A2: 594x420mm
A1: 841x594mm